Achillea millefolium is a medicinal plant which has been used for centuries to treat various health issues.  Millefolium translates into ´thousand leaves´ and represents the abundance we can create when learning about nature. 

Creating abundance for resilience 

In farming and gardening we can choose systems that regenerate the soil rather than degrade it. We can choose plants and practices that not only suit our needs but also those of nature.

Regenerative and Holistic growing practices are based on the idea that natural processes do not happen in isolation;  it’s the interconnectivity that creates abundance and using this principle allows us to create resilient systems.

Learning about nature through interaction 

In modern life it’s easy to forget that the natural world is the basis of everything. Remembering how we are both connected and dependent on it is an important step in ensuring a thriving future for our species.

By interacting with the land we gain a deeper connection and better understanding. Applying these lessons allows us to create a world where we live harmoniously with nature rather than viewing it as a resource.

Let´s put  theory into practice by...

Establishing regenerative and holistic growing systems 

Find out more: Holistic Growing Systems  

Teaching about healthy food production

Find out more: Educational Gardens  

Teaching about wild plants and their uses

Find out more: Herbalism