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Elderflower Cordial with Honey 

19th of June, 2023 

The season of the Elderflower is now almost over but we can still find some open flowers that can be used to conserve the plant's beautiful gifts. To use the plant for medicinal purposes I prefer to dry the flower for tea, make a tea or infused oil. (See previous post about the Elderflowers gifts)

For more “tasty” reasons, I conserve the yummy taste of the Elderflowers  by making a Cordial. In this way, I can still enjoy the taste of it in the coming months whilst at the same time benefiting from the medicinal benefits. 

The cordial is beautifully refreshing on a hot summer day with some cold water or who wants, with sparkling wine. 

You need:

11th of April 

Ramson (Allium Ursinum)_ Indentification and Recipe for Pickled Flower Buds 

In the last few weeks we have been gifted by the great abundance of Ramson (Allium Ursinum), which grows in many parks of Amsterdam. I am still very intrigued by the lush green color and the many ways on how we can use this plant. Even though in some spots the plants are already flowering, I keep finding areas where the leaves are still young and thus have a lot of flavor.  

I would like to give some clues on how to identify ramson safely and how you can conserve the flower buds to enjoy this plant also later in the year. 

For the pickled Flower buds use the following ingredients: 

Heat up the liquid ingredients in a pan, add the honey and salt and stir until they dissolve. Place flower buds in a jar,  fill up with warm liquid and close directly. Let it cool down slowly and after about two weeks the buds are ready to be used. The buds are nice with some bread or as a topping for various dishes. 

Note: Only pick from places that are not polluted and where there is a great abundance of ramson. Remember that you take away one of the reproductive organs of the plant, so do not harvest all flower buds from an individual plant but rather collect from different places. 

Freshly collected Ramson Buds

Pickled Ramson Buds

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3rd of April 2023         

Chickweed (Stellaria media)_ A wonderful spring herbs with many gifts 

As spring has (more or less) arrived, we start to see how nature starts to become greener and more colorful. 

Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a common spring herb, which I started to integrate more into my life in the last couple of weeks and which increasingly fascinates me the more I learn about it. 

So, let's discover some fun facts about her

As my skin had quite a tough time going through these crazy temperature changes, I decided to give it a try and make a simple lotion with just chickweed oil and Aloe Vera. I have been using this lotion now for a couple of weeks and I can see and feel how it helps me with my dry and red spots.  

Here are the instruction for making the simple chickweed lotion. 

Check if you like the consistency and otherwise add more oil or aloe vera gel. In general the consistency is rather slimy and liquid, so I only use a tiny bit each morning and evening. 

I recommend only making an amount, which you can use within a couple of weeks as aloe vera oxidizes rather quickly. I have had my lotion now for two weeks and it is still good but to avoid spoilage just make small amounts. In any case, with the rest of the chickweed oil you can also make a lovely salve. 

Enjoy exploring chickweed outside and have fun making this beautiful lotion! 

Almond oil helps to balance the absorption of moisture 

Make a small amount first to prevent spoilage