I am passionate about creating living and complex ecosystems, where nature and humans can thrive.

Hey There! I am Leonie; farmer, nature lover, permaculture designer, agroforestry enthusiast, fruit tree warden and herbalist. I am happy to have you here on my site! 

Plants have fascinated me since I was a child.; I spent a lot of my childhood outside, playing in the woods and helping my parents in the garden.

When I was 18 years old I traveled to New Zealand and discovered the beauty of nature in all its abundance. At this time I realized that I want to work on protecting our precious planet and that my way to do this would be through farming and food.

A year later I started my study in International Food and Agribusiness and felt overwhelmed by the degree of environmental devastation caused by conventional farming practices and our food choices. There were times of frustration, but getting the opportunities to work on the land with great farmers helped me regain hope and inspiration again. They taught me that connection to the land and understanding of the ecosystem is vital in order to have a positive impact on the environment. I came to see farming as a way to create biodiversity, to enrich soil life and to offer nutritious food to the local community. The land has a lot to offer to us and with that I don´t mean just the fruit and vegetables, but also the wild plants, the knowledge we gain and the joy from tending the land.


Academic Degree

Research Experience 

Work Experience 

Further trainings