
An edible Forest? How does that work and does it even work? Doesn´t it take really long for a tree to bear fruits?  

I can tell you; it works. And no, you don't have to wait 5 years till you get the first harvest.

 I came across Agroforestry whilst working with farmers in Brazil. For them, it was very logical to grow their coffee plants in combination with a variety of fruit trees, vegetables, herbs and berries. These farmers grew an abundance of food all year around. The key was design, careful planning, diverse systems and most of all an understanding of nature.

Simply said; Agroforestry is the combination of woody plant species in combination with other agricultural practices. There are  dozens of different systems possible, from single tree strips with agricultural crops such as wheat, to more complex systems such as food forests. 

I offer small- scale diverse Agroforestry systems designs focused on maximum abundance, no till, soil cover and a positive impact on biodiversity.

My experience in Agroforestry