We experience nature through interaction and feeling


When I started to work in agriculture, my least favorite job was weeding . It just seemed to be such a waste of resources as it took many hours of labor, and at the end, the plant materials were often taken away from the garden bed. Even though we can use these pulled out plants to make compost, or to cover the soil’s surface, it still seemed like there was more to be learned from these unwanted plants. These feelings made  me  want to understand “weeds” on a deeper level, and eventually led me to the amazing field of herbalism. 

Wild plants can teach us a lot about the land. The many different species all fulfill different roles in tending for the soil through processes like decompaction and nutrient balancing, signaling us what’s going on beneath the surface in the process. Aside from that,  they often contain a density of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals which most fruits and vegetables can not keep up with. By participating in the ancient art of herbalism we can rediscover how plants can enrich our lives by keeping us healthy, happy and connected. 


Wild plant Walks & Workshops 

To discover the bounty that the natural plant world has to offer, I would like to take you on a journey to explore wild plants that grow around us. In the form of a walk and/or a workshop you learn to recognize the plants, to distinguish them from toxic ones, learn about their habitat and function in the ecosystem and discover how to use the plant nutritionally and/or medicinally. I offer my herbalism workshops in and around Amsterdam. 

You can find upcoming workshops here: Events  

I also offer plant walks and workshops for companies, who would like to spend a nice day outside in nature and learn about wild plants. 

Feel free to contact me. 

Learn how to identify and collect  wild plants correctly 

Learn how to safely use them in the kitchen 

Learn how to use wild plants medicinally